Regulatory Insights. Scientific Expertise. Comprehensive Capabilities. Extensive Experience.

Crop Protection Product Testing

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Crop protection products play an important role in maintaining good plant health and increasing global crop yields to feed an ever growing global population, so you need to drive your product R&D forward with speed and accuracy. 

Partnering with Labcorp for your research, development and registration needs will allow you to leverage our technical expertise and regulatory insights to make the process as efficient as possible. From physicochemical testing to complex safety assessment and through to submission and approval, our team can help you navigate many data requirements and different national and regional regulations. 

SparC of Innovation

Advancing inhalation toxicology testing with powerful innovation

Breathe easy. With our expanded state-of-the-art facility, dedicated inhalation testing rooms and team of 40 experienced specialists, we are fully equipped to handle all your inhalation toxicology study needs, from standard regulation compliance to complex substance aerosolization.

Expanded Commitment to a Sustainable Future

U.S. testing and regulatory solutions now in Greenfield, IN

Access U.S.-based high quality chemical toxicology study execution, supported by in-state regulatory experts, to increase scheduling options and ensure successful EPA data submissions. 


Covance is now Labcorp

We are one global company innovating for millions. Covance is now Labcorp for crop protection product development. We remain committed to harnessing science for a safer more sustainable future for all people and our planet. 


We can help deliver regulatory success

We offer a global full-service range of safety testing and regulatory consultancy capabilities to support the human and environmental risk assessments for both chemical testing and crop protection products. 

By the Numbers

80+ Yrs Crop Protection Experience
25 Annex II regulatory submissions
>1,500 Toxicology Studies Completed Annually
>300 Ecotoxicology Studies Completed Annually

Educational Insights

The simple steps to successful active substance renewal

The simple steps to successful active substance renewal

Blog Posts
The renewal process in the EU and the US for existing active substances requires advance planning and careful and attentive management. Following is practical advice to help you tackle the renewal of your plant protection active substance.
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Neonicotinoids: The Science and Regulatory Complexity

Neonicotinoids: The Science and Regulatory Complexity

Growth in the agrochemical industry has been driven by the need to produce enough food to feed a rapidly growing global population. During the last century, global food production has doubled, driven initially by the introduction of mineral phosphate fertilizers in the early 20th century and then, in the 1940s, by the introduction of synthetic crop protection products (CPPs). However, despite the increased crop yields resulting from synthetic pesticide use, concerns over toxicity have also been highlighted, so the development of pesticides has proceeded with the aim of creating more effective and safer active ingredients to overcome the problems of the past. The e-book provides an overview; introducing neonicotinoids, explaining the science behind their use, the reasons for safety concerns and reviewing their regulatory status across the globe.
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Inhalation 101 for Crop Protection and Chemical Products

Inhalation 101 for Crop Protection and Chemical Products

Videos & Webinars
Inhaled studies are often perceived as technically challenging, and varied regulations around the world add another level of complexity. Understanding the guidelines, study design requirements, study timing and test article suitability will demystify and clarify inhaled studies optimizing success. Register for this webinar to hear an expert from Covance by Labcorp discuss common and not-so-common questions related to inhaled study regulations and design in order to meet regulatory requirements and ensure that approval is granted. Presented by Simon Moore, BSc(Hons), PhD MRSC, Global Lead of Inhalation Sciences and Engineering, Covance by Labcorp Dr. Moore provides global leadership, strategic direction and management to expand the Covance by Labcorp position as a leading provider of non-clinical services for inhaled product development. This is facilitated through proactive interactions with clients, promotion of Covance Inhalation Science and Engineering, utilizing best practice techniques for study conduct across sites and demonstrating scientific excellence in inhalation science across the global organization.
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Implications of the changes in the EU General Food Law (Transparency Regulation)

Implications of the changes in the EU General Food Law (Transparency Regulation)

Blog Posts
The revised EU GFL (Reg (EC) 2019/1381), or transparency regulation, comes into force on 27 March 2021 and sees changes in the notification of studies, submission of dossiers via IUCLID and the publication of all study reports, to name a few. Read on to find out how these changes may impact you.
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